
BBC BASIC VDU Command Parameters Data Sheet
VDU commands mainly relate to the screen. The syntax is VDU n , where n is a number from the table below. Parameters are separated by a comma (,) as indicated. If the value is greater than 255 a semi-colon (;) is needed after the number.
VDU code |
Description |
VDU 0 |
Ignored |
VDU 1,n |
Send byte n to printer |
VDU 2 |
Enable printer |
VDU 3 |
Disable printer |
VDU 4 |
Displays text cursor |
VDU 5 |
Hides text cursor |
VDU 6 |
Enables the VDU |
VDU 7 |
Makes the speaker produce a beep |
VDU 8 |
Move text cursor left one character |
VDU 9 |
Move text cursor right one character |
VDU 10 |
Move text cursor down one row |
VDU 11 |
Move text cursor up one row |
VDU 12 |
Clear text window and move text cursor home |
VDU 13 |
Move text cursor to left of text window |
VDU 14 |
Enable inverse text |
VDU 15 |
Disable inverse text |
VDU 16 |
Clear graphics window |
VDU 17 |
Enable bold text |
VDU 18 |
Disable bold text |
VDU 19 |
Enable underlined text |
VDU 20 |
Disable underlined text |
VDU 21 |
Disables the VDU |
VDU 22 |
Ignored |
VDU 23 |
Ignored |
VDU 24,lx;by;rx;ty; |
Set up a graphics window |
VDU 25,n,x;y; |
Same as PLOTn,x,y |
VDU 26 |
Reset windows, home cursors and reset graphics origin |
VDU 27,n |
Send byte n to the screen as a character |
VDU 28,lx,by,rx,ty |
Set up a text window |
VDU 29,x;y; |
Set the graphics origin |
VDU 30 |
Home the text cursor |
VDU 31 |
Place text cursor at x,y |
VDU 127 |
Delete previous character |